Tag Archives: opinion

It Was NEVER About The Flag

By Jannah Bolds
EIC, The Bold Opinion

The NFL disappoints, yet again.

Imagine it’s the year 2020, four years post the start of, yet another, social injustice revolution, and haven’t seen progression? Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the US national anthem on 9/01/2016 to bring the reality of social injustices and police brutality amongst Black Americans; and in return, received the blackest of balls! No pun intended, but the man has not been allowed to step foot in the National Football League since. But where are we now? You would think the nation would recognize and acknowledge the REAL problem in America since then. Well, think again. Continue reading It Was NEVER About The Flag

Immigration isn’t the problem, YOU are.

Written by Tiffany Flemister

Tiffany Flemister –  featured author

As you all know, our Commander in Chief is taking measures to have undocumented students be deported even after they have shown to be productive members of society who are working hard to get their education. I honestly find this to be extremely hypocritical. America as we know it today was built on the backs of non natives, whether they came through on Ellis Island back in the 1800s or by deadly force during slavery. It seems to me that non citizens are only of value when we can exploit them.

When they start getting into good colleges and getting the jobs you feel entitled to, it becomes an “immigration” issue. It’s not an immigration issue, it’s a racial issue and an entitlement issue. Nobody batted an eye when undocumented people were limited to manual labor jobs that underpaid and over worked them. So many of our ancestors came to this country seeking refuge from harm and to create better life than they were given by default.

To take it a step further, America is a stolen land built up by stolen people. Nobody really has a right to be here more than anyone else. I don’t care if slavery and Native Americans dying at the hands of Settlers was hundreds of years ago. It matters because Americans take pride in the fact that this happened but are now angry that other people want the same opportunities they have been afforded for generations.

Undocumented students and workers aren’t why you don’t have a good paying job. They aren’t why you can’t get into the school of your choice. You’re the reason why. You and your forefathers have used others as stepping stones for centuries & you’re panicking because it’s no longer an option.

To sum it up, I really just want everyone to stop blaming immigration for America’s problems. The source of our issues is refusing to learn from the past & doing better by those coming after us. If you want to succeed in life, you have to do the work. Expecting others to limit themselves because you’re lazy is complete bullshit. Stop clinging to your privilege, entitlement, classism, and racism. Get up off your ass & make it happen.

If opportunity passes you by it’s because you allowed it.


Image source: Bryan R. Smith - Getty Images