Tag Archives: relationship advice

Insecurities, the Millennial way

I hate to admit it sometimes, but sure, I’m a millennial. I fall into that group of young people born in the heavily technically influenced world that we are in today. So because of that, we develop new ways to old habits.


Let’s discuss.

Probably one of the most recognizably practiced characteristic of insecurity in millennial relationships are cell phone related. We live our lives through our mobile devices. This I cannot deny! It’s how we communicate. So, when it comes down to our relationships with others, our phones are the first source for information. But, why when we get hit with the,

“Let me see your phone…”

…we freeze and feel offended? An invasion of privacy? Got something to hide? Maybe you find yourself in a mixture of both. Either way, the question comes from the other party feeling insecure. Insecure that there possibly be a chance that something is going on that you are unaware of. Fear of the unknown. Fear of deception. Doubt will always be something in the back our minds, it’s human nature. But, we as humans have the mental ability to forcibly overcome those fears. It takes something called Trust. Easier said than done, of course.

Give someone you trust until they give reason to not have your trust; not a thought, a feeling, or an inkling. If you wonder what your significant other is up to, simply ask. Use your ability to inquire. If you’re told that nothing is to be revealed, let it be just that. Trust. That other person should respect you and the relationship enough not to have anything fishy going on behind those closed doors. See, respect is a big deal in any relationship. If there’s no respect established, there is nothing. Respect is foundational.

Small lesson in respect, sorry for getting off topic lol.

Anyway to sum it up, if your significant other doesn’t respect you or the relationship, there will be doubt and doubt leads to insecurity. BUT when in doubt, simply ask and take it from there.

Have the itch to look through your significant other’s phone?

Thoughts? Comments welcome.

Photo credit: Hororscope.daily-free.net